Additional Ministries

Cancer CARE
The Cancer C.A.R.E. Ministry (Care, Awareness, Resources and Encouragement) exists to support and encourage members during their journey with cancer. North Side offers this resource both to those going through cancer as well as to caregivers of cancer patients. Please contact the church office and a team member will be assigned to contact you.

Happy Hats Ministry
In January 2010, a group of ladies from NSBC began the ministry now known to us as Happy Hats. After a call was placed to a local hospital to confirm the need, these ladies began making hats for babies that have now been sent all over the country.  What started as a small group of women with a desire to bless others has now become a group of over 60 “Happy Hatters” who together have made and gifted over 60,000 handmade hats to military and local hospitals, adult cancer care centers, and orphanages around the world. If you would like more information on how you can become part of the Happy Hat Ministry, please reach out to Sharon Ryschon, or visit us on Facebook.

Hearts Like Hannah’s
Hearts Like Hannah’s provides Godly encouragement and resources for women journeying through infertility, failed adoptions, or the death of a baby from conception through early infancy (miscarriages, stillbirth, etc). Struggling with infertility or loss can be very painful, emotional, and isolating. Hearts Like Hannah’s provides an open and safe environment for women to come together on a weekly basis to share their journey and connect with others. Contact Britni Julian or visit us on Facebook.

Heaven’s Handymen
Heaven’s Handymen was established at North Side in 2004 to assist our NSBC widows, widowers, single parents and senior adults with various tasks around their home that may require assistance. This ministry has been able to help countless people in our church over the past 15+ years. Contact Rick Hobbs for more information.

Home Ministry
Our Home Ministry serves those who have difficulty attending Bible Study and Worship in person due to health or mobility issues. This is an ongoing ministry that visits and encourages members monthly. If you would like more information about serving in this ministry to our homebound members, please contact the Roberta Henry at 682-229-8621.

KidsHope USA
There is one simple thing that will make a big difference in the life of an at-risk child: one-on-one, positive attention from a responsible, caring adult. KidsHope USA develops these one-on-one relationships through the creation of church-school partnerships that pair church members with at-risk kids in supportive, mentoring relationships. Kids Hope USA mentors spend just one hour per week, reading, talking, playing, and listening to a child at school. By helping the child feel loved and valued, they help that child to learn, grow, and succeed. You can change a life… and that’s no small change! Contact Beth Thompson to find out more.

Loaves & Fishes
NSBC sponsors a monthly food distribution ministry called Loaves & Fishes. We see this as a way of reaching out to our community to meet practical needs. Our partnership with World Relief and Tarrant Area Food Bank allows us to offer a monthly food distribution to Parker County families. A few dozen volunteers serve one day each month to help pack boxes of food, collect information from interested clients, distribute food to cars, and pray over families with specific requests. Families and Individual volunteers of any age are welcome. Contact Kristie O’Keeffe in the Church Office for more information.

MOPS: Mothers Of Preschoolers
MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, a non-denominational Christian women's organization designed for mothers with children ages birth to kindergarten. Women who are currently pregnant are also welcome. MOPS exists to meet the needs of every mom - urban, suburban and rural moms; stay-at-home and working moms; married, single, teen and non-traditional moms - moms with different lifestyles who all share a similar desire to be the very best moms they can be! Come join us for Fun with Friends, Guest Speakers & Childcare... and, if that's not ENOUGH... we also have Mom's Night Out Events, Children's Play Date Parties and So Much More! You can also check out Weatherford MOPS on Facebook, or

Packs of Love
Packs of Love provides weekend and holiday meals for dozens of local school children who rely on free and reduced lunches for their weekday meals. For over ten years, donations from generous members of our fellowship have fully supported this ministry. In addition, volunteers are needed to help pack these bags every Friday morning. Contact Beth Thompson to find out how you can become involved in this ministry.

Prayers & Squares Ministry
The beautiful prayer quilts we display each week are provided by our Prayers & Squares ministry.  Prayers & Squares is an international outreach organization that combines the gift of prayer with the gift of a hand-tied quilt. The purpose of Prayers & Squares is to promote prayer using these handmade quilts. Our motto is: "It's not about the quilt; it's all about the prayers." Each knot represents a prayer. As the knot is tied, a prayer is offered for a person in need – someone who has asked us to pray for them. The finished quilt goes to that person as a silent testimony of our belief in the power of prayer. These quilts truly can be called “comforters”. For more information about our Prayers & Squares ministry, please reach out to Sam Fuller. Request forms for quilts can be found in Guest Services and the Church Office.

Prayer Ministry
The Prayer Ministry Team is a group of believers who are passionate about praying for others. We believe that prayer matters, it offers hope to the hurting, and it inspires people to shift their focus to God, who loves us and desires to walk with us through the difficulties of life. Our team serves NSBC by praying for people at the altar, interceding for our church and community weekly, and through personal prayer and care for the needs made known through prayer requests. Please contact Keith Warren to learn how you can be part of this vital ministry.

American Heritage Girls
American Heritage Girls is a faith based scout-like program for girls ages 5-18. The goal of AHG is to share the gospel with, disciple, and equip young girls through leadership opportunities, devotions to aid their faith walk, citizenship through service opportunities, and many other social events. Our hope is that they learn what being a Christ-following servant leader looks like, and that they would become a woman anchored in Christ. Contact Jolene Wade for more info.

Trail Life USA
Trail Life USA is a Church-Based, Christ-Centered, Boy-Focused mentoring and discipleship journey that speaks to the heart of a boy. Established on timeless values derived from the Bible and set in the context of outdoor adventure, boys from Kindergarten through 12th grade are engaged in a Troop setting by male mentors where they are challenged to grow in character, understand their purpose, serve their community, and develop practical leadership skills to carry out the mission for which they were created. Contact Eric Charles for more information.

Reclaimed – Reclaimed is our Bible-based recovery program for anyone who is struggling with addiction that wants to reclaim their life. Because addiction affects more than just the addict, we also offer group support for family members and loved ones of those fighting addiction. For more information, please email us at

Restore – our mission is to strengthen the body of Christ, one family at a time, by guiding them into a place of health physically, spiritually, and mentally while still supporting their loved one dealing with addiction. | 817-596-4923.