
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

To awaken, encourage, disciple and send out men to lead in the roles which they are called by GOD."

In modern military parlance, to “take point”, “walk point” or to be a “point man” calls a soldier – a man – to be “On Point”; and, assume the first and most exposed position of the unit.  That is, the unit existing/advancing through hostile or unsecured territory.  The soldier knowingly accepts that he will be the first to take on the attack; the only time this isn’t true is when the enemy determines to allow the one “On Point” to pass in order to ambush the unsuspecting unit.  This inherent risk of being “On Point” creates the need for constant and extreme preparation and alertness.

If you are a North Side Baptist Church male from the ages of 10 to 100 – this is for you!  If you are new to the battle, come and begin the foundational preparation needed to get On Point.  If you have been On Point for many years – come and learn how to reflect on your victories and defeats in order to better tune your heart and be refueled for the fights ahead.  And most certainly, if you are oblivious to the war please come and learn how vulnerable you are – and those that you love.
"Be on the alert;" "Be on your guard;"
This fits hand in hand with our ministry name be ‘On Point’, ready to move, defend, watchful and ready. In fact the greek word here denotes ‘readiness’.  Men can’t idly sit back and not lead, serve, defend, protect.  The enemy is prowling around, seeking his prey, looking to devour and steal, kill and destroy all that is precious….our family, our marriage, our children.  We have to be alert and ready for the battle.
"Act like men;" "Be courageous."
Love this statement.  Our calling as men’s ministry leaders to help men ‘Act like men.’ Not men of the world, but mighty men of God. We have to teach and train men and their sons what it means to be a man. God has created us to be men, and He has a mighty purpose for our lives, and specific tasks in building His kingdom that only the Men of God can accomplish.  What is a Godly man? How does he differ from the world? Men either are going to act like Men of God or Men of the world.

"Stand firm in the faith."
To be ready and watchful, we have to stand firm in the faith, which is grounded in God’s word being written on our hearts. In order for a man to ‘stand firm in his faith’, he has to know the Scriptures, but not stop there. He has to know how apply them to his life (marriage, workplace, parenting), and then how to obey them in his daily decisions and battles that arise.  If a man does not know the word, is not in the word, and is not able to obey the Word, then he is like the ship James refers to that is ‘tossed to and fro with every changing wind’.  Standing firm requires a solid foundation built on God’s word.

"Be Strong."
He wants men to be strong, and lead his people…lead their families….lead unbelievers.  Unfortunately, men have been neutered to a certain extent in churches today, and have been programmed to take a back seat and let the staff and women do all the work.  He wants men to be strong to fight these cultural norms and expectations to stand strong together as warriors for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We must be strong in the Word, strong in unity with one another, strong in our faith, and strong in our prayer.

Men's Breakfast

Third Saturday each month at 8:00am

Men, join us for our monthly breakfast on the third Saturday at 8:00am in Fellowship Hall. We'll enjoy an encouraging devotional and a hearty breakfast. All men of all ages are invited to join us.

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