“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to
give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful
giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things
at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good
2 Corinthians 9:7-8, NIV
2 Corinthians 9:7-8, NIV
As a multi-generational church here in Parker County, we recognize that North Side is made up of all kinds of families – old and young, big and small – experiencing life and issues in so many different seasons. Our desire is to lead, care, and support you and your family no matter the makeup. One of the ways we are seeking to best accomplish this challenge is through our FAITH@HOME strategy which is based on a biblical belief that God designed the family as the primary place for discipleship.
To support this belief and your family, we have a great tool in our Faith Path initiative to partner with you as you guide your child’s spiritual journey one step at a time. It is based on ageappropriate kits that have been created to help you leverage the best faith formation strategy for your child’s stage of development. In this GIVING & SERVING kit, you will find practical ideas and suggested resources to help you begin the journey well. We urge you to start today by taking the following simple steps and look forward to watching your child and family grow in your biblical understanding, relationships, spiritual discussions, and life application.
Check out the provided video that explains this particular Faith Path step. This video comes directly from the original launch of Faith Path and is used in a partnership with LakePointe Church. You will hear from both experts and ordinary families as they share practical suggestions from their experiences. You will also find a guide that offers practical tips and what we consider the best resources on the topic.
To help your child learn about serving, this kit includes an Assessing Your Child’s Spiritual Gifts tool that you will enjoy completing with your son or daughter to begin coaching them toward serving in their area of strength. We hope you find this kit helpful in the process of forming the faith of your child at home. It can be life-changing not only for your child, but your relationship with them and family as you walk through this kit and the Faith Path strategy together in the years to come. Feel free to visit with our staff below to learn more or to determine if your child/children are ready for other Faith Path steps.
To support this belief and your family, we have a great tool in our Faith Path initiative to partner with you as you guide your child’s spiritual journey one step at a time. It is based on ageappropriate kits that have been created to help you leverage the best faith formation strategy for your child’s stage of development. In this GIVING & SERVING kit, you will find practical ideas and suggested resources to help you begin the journey well. We urge you to start today by taking the following simple steps and look forward to watching your child and family grow in your biblical understanding, relationships, spiritual discussions, and life application.
Check out the provided video that explains this particular Faith Path step. This video comes directly from the original launch of Faith Path and is used in a partnership with LakePointe Church. You will hear from both experts and ordinary families as they share practical suggestions from their experiences. You will also find a guide that offers practical tips and what we consider the best resources on the topic.
To help your child learn about serving, this kit includes an Assessing Your Child’s Spiritual Gifts tool that you will enjoy completing with your son or daughter to begin coaching them toward serving in their area of strength. We hope you find this kit helpful in the process of forming the faith of your child at home. It can be life-changing not only for your child, but your relationship with them and family as you walk through this kit and the Faith Path strategy together in the years to come. Feel free to visit with our staff below to learn more or to determine if your child/children are ready for other Faith Path steps.
Teach Your Child to Make a Difference
God blesses and entrusts each of us with gifts, talents, and resources. Look for opportunities to teach your child to be a good steward of these blessings from the Lord in a way that will honor and glorify Him.
Followers of Jesus give a portion of their income to meet the needs of God's work as an act of obedience and worship. In Genesis 28:10-22 we see Jacob making a vow to the Lord, worshipping Him, and giving ten percent (also called a tithe) back to God.
In reality, teaching children about money through tithes and offerings is not about giving to God. It is about reminding ourselves that we are dependent upon the One who gives all good gifts and that we are stewards rather than owners. Giving reflects obedience, showing that we love a God who is worthy to be obeyed in all areas of life. It is also an opportunity to participate in something bigger than ourselves with eternal value.
Model It: Start by putting into practice the disciplines you want your child to learn. This may mean taking steps to become a better steward of your family’s finances. Let your child see that you offer these resources back to God as an act of service to Him. In 2 Corinthians 9:7 the Bible says, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.â€
Teach It: If your child receives money from an allowance, jobs, or gifts, take the time to help him or her divide the money wisely. A good place to start is to set aside 10% for giving, 10% for savings, and 80% for spending on other activities and items.
In addition to financial resources, God has also entrusted us with gifts, talents, and time. As believers, we have the great opportunity to worship and glorify God through the spiritual discipline of service. Help your child discover their unique gifts and explore how they might use those gifts to glorify Him. Use the Assessing Your Child’s Spiritual Gifts tool included with this kit to get started and then find ways to experience serving together. A few simple suggestions include:
Followers of Jesus give a portion of their income to meet the needs of God's work as an act of obedience and worship. In Genesis 28:10-22 we see Jacob making a vow to the Lord, worshipping Him, and giving ten percent (also called a tithe) back to God.
In reality, teaching children about money through tithes and offerings is not about giving to God. It is about reminding ourselves that we are dependent upon the One who gives all good gifts and that we are stewards rather than owners. Giving reflects obedience, showing that we love a God who is worthy to be obeyed in all areas of life. It is also an opportunity to participate in something bigger than ourselves with eternal value.
Model It: Start by putting into practice the disciplines you want your child to learn. This may mean taking steps to become a better steward of your family’s finances. Let your child see that you offer these resources back to God as an act of service to Him. In 2 Corinthians 9:7 the Bible says, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.â€
Teach It: If your child receives money from an allowance, jobs, or gifts, take the time to help him or her divide the money wisely. A good place to start is to set aside 10% for giving, 10% for savings, and 80% for spending on other activities and items.
In addition to financial resources, God has also entrusted us with gifts, talents, and time. As believers, we have the great opportunity to worship and glorify God through the spiritual discipline of service. Help your child discover their unique gifts and explore how they might use those gifts to glorify Him. Use the Assessing Your Child’s Spiritual Gifts tool included with this kit to get started and then find ways to experience serving together. A few simple suggestions include:
- Shared Passion: Spend some time talking with your child about the things that interest and concern him or her. It will be more meaningful if you share a passion for the specific area of service.
- Good Fit: Help your child find good serving options. It can be as simple as baking cookies for a homebound neighbor or it can be an extended serving time such as a mission trip or meeting a particular need on a regular basis.
- Set Expectations: Put your child more at ease by explaining what to expect. If visiting a nursing home, for example, explain he or she may encounter odd sights, sounds, and smells.
- Build Your Relationships: Take note of what your child does well while serving. Intentionally encourage him or her by saying you are proud of how they demonstrated a great attitude or area of strength.
- Be Safe: Keep a close eye on one another, especially children/teens if serving in unfamiliar settings.
- Talk About It: Ask questions when you finish serving together such as “What kind of difference did you/we make?†“Why was it important to do this project?†“How did it impact those you served?†and “How did it impact you/your family?â€
- Pray: Take a few minutes to pray, asking God to bless those you served.
How will you be intentional this next year?
The next step on the Faith Path is The Talk, recommended at age nine. We will offer a The Talk kit to guide you.
- Pray daily for and with my child.
- Consistently spend time in God’s Word with my child.
- Bless my child daily.
- Schedule and have regular family times.
- Create a habit of worship with my child.
- Schedule a time to serve together as a family.
The next step on the Faith Path is The Talk, recommended at age nine. We will offer a The Talk kit to guide you.
77 Ways Your Family Can Make a Difference by Penny A. Zeller
Your Kids Can Master Their Money by Ron & Judy Blue, and Jeremy White
Financial Peace Junior by Dave Ramsey
© 2012 Inkling Innovations & Lydia Randall
77 Ways Your Family Can Make a Difference by Penny A. Zeller
Your Kids Can Master Their Money by Ron & Judy Blue, and Jeremy White
Financial Peace Junior by Dave Ramsey
© 2012 Inkling Innovations & Lydia Randall
North Side Staff Contacts
Jason Medlin, PreTeen Pastor
Jim Garner, Family & Missions Pastor
Jim Garner, Family & Missions Pastor