If you haven’t already noticed, you’ll soon discover just how important community is to everyone here. In fact, helping you build relationships is one reason we want to get you and your family connected as quickly as possible. One of the easiest and most fulfilling ways to do that is through our Sunday morning Bible Study groups. That’s because Bible Study Leaders and members engage in Bible study with a particular eye toward growing in Christ and in relationship with each other. They’re committed to walking through “real life” together. You see, our Sunday morning Bible Study groups are more than just classes, they are communities of like-minded believers who share many things in common including life-stages and children of the same ages. What’s more, these groups provide support for each other through all that life throws at them. From celebrating the arrival of a new baby to providing a compassionate shoulder during times of mourning, our people are here for each other. Best of all, there is a Sunday morning Bible Study group that is just right for you.

Age Group Descriptions
Young Adults - Adults who are beyond their high school years, but who have not yet started their families; includes both singles and married couples
Young Families - Couples and single parents who have begun raising children through their preschool and elementary years
Established Families - Couples and single parents who are raising children through their middle and high school years
Empty Nesters - Couples and single parents in their working years with adult children college age and older
Nearly & Newly Retired - Couples and singles in the last years of full-time work or in their first years of retirement
Seasoned Adults - Couples and singles whose pace has slowed to allow them to enjoy their retirement years
Young Families - Couples and single parents who have begun raising children through their preschool and elementary years
Established Families - Couples and single parents who are raising children through their middle and high school years
Empty Nesters - Couples and single parents in their working years with adult children college age and older
Nearly & Newly Retired - Couples and singles in the last years of full-time work or in their first years of retirement
Seasoned Adults - Couples and singles whose pace has slowed to allow them to enjoy their retirement years
9:30am Bible Studies
Empty Nesters
Crosswalk | Room 231
Genesis | Room 117
Praise | Room 118
Legacy | High School Youth Room
Genesis | Room 117
Praise | Room 118
Legacy | High School Youth Room
Nearly & Newly Retired
Grace | Room 116
Joy Ladies | Room 216
Joy Ladies | Room 216
Seasoned Adults
Glory | Room 130
Chapel Co-Ed | Chapel
Mary Martha | Room 106
Fellowship Men | Room 128
Chapel Co-Ed | Chapel
Mary Martha | Room 106
Fellowship Men | Room 128
11:00am Bible Studies
Pre-Teen | Room 217
Middle School | MS Youth Room
High School | HS Youth Room
Middle School | MS Youth Room
High School | HS Youth Room
Young Adults
NS College | Chapel
Equip | Room 102
Young Marrieds | Room 231
Equip | Room 102
Young Marrieds | Room 231
Young Families
One Life | Room 232
Pursuit | Room 118
Pursuit | Room 118
Established Families
Summit | Room 161
McKeown Class | Room 117
Maranatha | Room 130
Mosaic | Room 216
McKeown Class | Room 117
Maranatha | Room 130
Mosaic | Room 216
Empty Nesters
Commitment | Choir Room
9:30am & 11:00am Bible Studies
Preschool | Children's Building
Kids (K-4th) | Children's Building
Boundless (Special Needs) | Room 132
Kids (K-4th) | Children's Building
Boundless (Special Needs) | Room 132