NSBC Bible Studies | Fall 2024

Wednesday Night Studies

Seekers & Believers

This engaging and interactive 14-week Bible study is designed for both new and seasoned believers. We will explore fundamental questions that challenge and deepen our understanding of faith, scripture, and the Christian life. Sample topics include the reality of salvation and the names of God.
Rick Brown & Joel Turney | The Chapel 

The Art of Parenting

Parenting experts will share stories from their own experiences with the goal to help parents strive for success in the following areas: forming character, applying discipline, building relationships, nurturing identity, and understanding the power of family. Parents will end the series with renewed confidence, fresh insights on parenting children of different ages, and a parenting plan unique to each child’s personality and gifting.
Jim Garner | Book $10.00 | Room 232

Israel & End Times Bible Prophecies

Join us for a discussion on current world events, geopolitical changes, and their connections to Biblical prophecies such as the nation of Israel, the Gog and Magog War, Revelation, and other end-time prophecies.
Brock King | Room 116

Living by the Book

Proverbs 2:5-15 describes the benefits of reading, studying, and
meditating on God’s Word. We’ll learn the fundamentals of observation, interpretation, and application which in turn equip us to understand and apply the Word of God to our lives.
Mark & Teresa Julian | Room 118

Women’s Study: Hearts Like Hannah’s: Prayer

Join us to discover the transformative power of prayer. We will explore the reasons, methods, and impacts of prayer through the wisdom of Biblical prayers. Our ministry primarily supports those facing infertility, pregnancy, and infant loss, but we welcome anyone enduring hardship or a challenging season. You have a place with us.
Britni Julian, Meredith Zahorsky, Beth Behm, Andrea Chapman | Room 161, Prayer Room, Green Room

1st & 2nd Thessalonians

In Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians, he teaches us the importance of enduring with perseverance, assuring us that our sufferings for Christ’s sake are never in vain. Through these epistles, we will explore how to stay steadfast in our faith, drawing strength from Christ’s faithfulness and the assurance of His eternal presence.
Sandra Maughan | Room 231

The Scroll of Ruth

One of the best places in the Bible to gain a proper understanding of redemption is the Book of Ruth. Though only four chapters, throughout its narrative, we encounter principles that lay the groundwork for comprehending our faith in Messiah Yeshua. By outlining key Biblical principles, it helps us understand the identity of the Messiah.
Debbie Duncan | Room 102

Studies With Additional Meeting Time Options

Rooted Women’s Bible Study: Colossians & Titus

This semester we will be going through Colossians and Titus. Our focus will be learning to walk in a manner worthy of the gospel, and we cannot wait to see what all God reveals to us as we dig into these books. If you have a desire to join other women as they learn to study deeply, this is the study for you!
Libby Hutchinson & Women’s Ministry Leaders
Friday morning, Wednesday night, & Sunday night options

Women’s Study: Luke: Gut Level Compassion

Many women believe that they aren't good enough to meet other people’s expectations. The great news woven throughout the Gospel according to Luke is that perfection is not a prerequisite for a deep and personal relationship with Jesus. Lean in and linger in Jesus’ embrace.
Sam Fuller | Book $15 | Wednesday morning | Room 118

Women’s Study: Jesus & Women

In this study, we will journey back to the time of Jesus, exploring the experiences of the women who encountered the Living God. Through this exploration, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of Jesus and to deepen our worship of Him today.
Shirli Hutson | Book $25 | Wednesday morning | Room 102